Do You Need A Drug Possession, Cultivation And Distribution Attorney?

California’s drug laws are strict and law enforcement and prosecutors are aggressive in serious drug cases. Regardless of the circumstances or amount of drugs involved, it’s best to contact an experienced lawyer for representation. Working with Silicon Valley Criminal Law Group and attorney Ricardo Ramirez will provide you with a dedicated advocate who will review your options and fight for reduced or dismissed charges for a better outcome for you and your family.

Free, No-Obligation Consultations

Drug crimes in California can result in various punishments depending on the type and severity of the offense. The punishments vary from infractions and misdemeanors for minor offenses such as personal consumption to felonies and harsher punishments for more serious crimes like trafficking and manufacturing. The seriousness of the offense is determined by California’s controlled substance schedule, which is based on the U.S. Controlled Substances Act and ranks drugs based on their harmfulness. Marijuana is still considered a Schedule I drug in California; however, its penalties have been reduced due to decriminalization. If you’re facing a drug charge, it’s best to seek the help of a dedicated and experienced firm such as Silicon Valley Criminal Law Group. As a former Deputy Public Defender, Attorney Ricardo Ramirez defended many people charged with drug crimes and has worked tirelessly to achieve the best possible outcome for them and their families.  

Practice Areas

Service Area

Silicon Valley Criminal Law Group defends clients throughout the entire San Francisco Bay Area as well as surrounding counties. We serve clients in the following counties: Santa Clara, San Mateo, Alameda, and Contra Costa. The California criminal justice system can be difficult to navigate. When facing a difficult case or complex charges, you need us on your side.

Santa Clara County | San Mateo County | San Francisco County | Alameda County | Santa Cruz County | San Carlos | Menlo Park

Palo Alto | Mountain View | Los Altos | Los Altos Hills | Saratoga | Campbell | San Jose | Los Gatos | Fremont | Milpitas